Bespreking van Geo Widengren 1969, Religionsphänomenologie (Berlijn: W. de Gruyter, 684 blz., DM 38), in Tijdschrift voor Theologie 11, 1: 79
Review of Geo Widengren 1969, Religionsphänomenologie (Berlijn: W. de Gruyter, 684 blz., DM 38), in Tijdschrift voor Theologie 11, 1: 79
This review was published in Numen 40, 3 (1993): 349-350. I have made a few minor editorial changes in the text.
Review of Richard Gray 1990, Black Christians and White Missionaries (New Haven/London: Yale University Press), in Numen 40 (1993): 350352
Jan G. Platvoet 1998, ‘The Tree that Saw It All’, review of Gerrie ter Haar 1998, Halfway to Paradise: African Churches in Europe (Cardiff: Cardic Academic Press), in African Association for the Study of Religions [Newsletter] 10 (November 1998): 21-25
Jan G. Platvoet 1998, review of J.S. Krüger, Along Edges: Religion in South Africa: Bushman, Christian, Buddhist (Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1995), in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 51, 1 (Januari 1998): 50-51; also in The African Association for the Study of Religions [Newsletter] no. 9 (June 1998): 16-18
Jan G. Platvoet 1999, review of Gerrie ter Haar (ed.), Strangers and Sojourners: Religious Communities in the Diaspora (Leuven: Peeters, 1998), in Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 53, 4: 3030
Jan G. Platvoet 2000, review of Gerrie ter Haar 1998, Halfway to Paradise: African Christians in Europe (Cardiff: Cardiff Academic Press), in Numen: International Journal for the History of Religions 47, 1: 113-115
Jan G. Platvoet 2000, review of Thomas A. Idinopulos & Brian C. Wilson (eds.) 1998, What is Religion?: Origins, Definitions, and Explanations. Leiden: Brill, in Religion 30, 1: 97-99
Jan G. Platvoet 2002, “Enslaving Definitions: A Review” [review of Henk J. van Rinsum 2001, Slaves of Definition: In Quest of the Unbeliever and the Ignoramus. Maastricht (The Netherlands): Shaker Publications], in AASR-Newsleter 17 (May 2002): 33-39
review of Mathias Guenther, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushman Religion and Society (Bloomington, etc.: Indiana University Press, 1999), in Journal of Religion in Africa 32, 4 (2002): 502-506
Jan G. Platvoet 2003, “Ghana’s Pentecostalisation” [review of Cephas N. Omenyo 2002, Pentecost outside Pentecostalism: A Study of the Development of Charismatic Renewal in the Mainline Churches in Ghana. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum], in AASR-Newsletter 19 (May 2003): 40-45
Jan G. Platvoet 2003, “Witchcraft Violence” [review of S.T. Kgatla, Gerrie ter Haar, Wouter E.A. van Beek & Jan J. de Wolf 2003, Crossing Witchcraft Barriers in South Africa; Exploring Witchcraft Accusations: Causes and Solution; A Research Report. Utrecht: Faculty of Social Sciences; Rieksje Pelgrim 2004, South African Police Service Attitudes towards Witchcraft and Witchcraft-related Crime in the Northern Province. Leiden: African Studies Centre], in AASR-Newsletter 20 (November 2003): 26-28
Jan G. Platvoet 2003, “Kwasi Boakye (1827-1904): From Kumasi to Java” [review of Athur Japin 2000, The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boakye. London: Vintage; Arthur Japin 1997, De zwarte met het witte hart; roman. Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers], in AASR-Newsletter 19 (May 2003): 45-52
Jan G. Platvoet 2003, “Minimal and Marginal: Christianity in The Gambia” [review of Martha T. Frederiks 2003, We have Toiled All Night: Christianity in The Gambia, 1456-2000. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum], in AASR-Newsletter 20 (November 2003): 29-35
The Plurality of Healing; review of Olov Dahlin 2002, Zvinorwadza: Being a Patient in the Religious and Medical Plurality of the Mberenge District, Zimbabwe (Frankfurt a.M., etc: Peter Lang)’, in AASR Bulletin 22 (November 2004): 33-37
Jan G. Platvoet 2005, review of Stephen Ellis & Gerrie ter Haar 2004, Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa (London: Hurst), in AASR Bulletin 23 (May 2005): 48-55
Jan G. Platvoet 2006, “GBT-NS, Akwaab’oo!”, in AASR Bulletin 26 (November 2006): 39-44
Jan G. Platvoet 2007, “East Africa’s ‘Internal Terror’: Witchcraft Panic and Other Religious Responses to AIDS” [review of Felicitas Becker & P. Wenzel Geissler (eds.) 2007, AIDS and Religious Practice in East Africa; special issue of Journal of Religion in Africa 37, 1: 1-49], in AASR Bulletin 27/28 (May/November 2007): 62-67
2013, ‘Onto the Global Scene’, review of Afe Adogame, Ezra Chitando & Bolaji Bateye (eds.) 2013, African Traditions in the Study of Religion, Diaspora and Gendered Societies (Williston (VT): Ashgate Publishing), in AASR Bulletin 38 (May 2013): 16-20
2013, ‘A Pugnacious Book’, review of Sabine Jell-Bahlsen 2008, The Water Goddess in Igbo Cosmology: Ogbuide of Oguta Lake (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press), in AASR Bulletin 38 (May 2013): 12-15
2014, “Cape Town 2014” (conference report), in AASR Bulletin 41 (November 2014) 23-29
2014, Inventing God, review of James L. Cox 2014, The Invention of God in Indigenous Societies (Durham: Acumen), in AASR Bulletin 41 (November 2014): 36-38
2015, Review of James L. Cox 2014,The I nvention of God in Indigenous Societies. Durham: Acumen, x + 182 pp., ISBN 978 1 84465 754 4, $76.86 (hard cover); 978 1 84465 755 1, $24.05 (soft cover); in Journal of Religion in Africa 45, 2: 335-337.